Video Production Firm Decisions — Will it Kill the Radio Star?

The last big decision was the CRM Vendor — ZoHo. I am still trying to get the hang of it, but it looks pretty good thus far. My guess is that to be effective, this is something you do every single day for at least 20-30 minutes (feed the beast). Please correct me if I am wrong or you know a better way.

The next big decision is to hire a Video Production Vendor. There are lots of very cool and helpful videos for using applications like the Mobius SLIP. My back of the envelope estimate is that ten to twelve videos are needed to fully build out the documentation. To achieve a simple and effective overview and ‘Quick Start’ guide will probably take five, 4-5 minute segments. So, where to begin looking? This blog did a really nice job of cataloging several production shops, providing some pricing guidance and has given me several good leads.