In Press

Mobius SLIP is a recipient of the E-Team Stage 1 grant
NCIIA’s E-Team Program provides early-stage support and funding for collegiate entrepreneurs working on market-based technology inventions. Grantees receive expert entrepreneurial and venture coaching and training to help realize the commercial success of their technology inventions and innovations.

Mobius SLIP: UNCG develops a new online learning tool
“UNCG professor Eric Ford and doctoral student Dmytro Babik have created a peer assessment system that revolutionizes the ways students learn and grow in large and online courses. The technique, which takes its inspiration from the Socratic Method, emphasizes constructive discussion and feedback.”

Triad tech firms play part in digital learning revolution
“Another Triad startup with big plans for digital education technology is, founded by UNC-Greensboro management professor Eric Ford and several colleagues. The company’s product, Mobius SLIP, for “Social Learning Information Platform”, allows teachers to give assignments and then have those assignments critiqued anonymously by peers in the class. The critiques themselves then also receive peer feedback, so the quality of both a student’s own work and that student’s analysis of others’ work can be a component of his or her final grade…”

Learning Analytics Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years, page 26
“Writing and Composition. In writing intensive courses, Mobius Social Learning Information Platform is used at University of North Carolina Greensboro to facilitate anonymous peer-to-peer feedback and grading. When students submit an essay, it is automatically distributed to the rest of their randomly chosen peer group, and an algorithm turns their feedback into statistics and performance reports:….”

Business co-created by UNCG professor, doctoral student named semifinalist for NC IDEA grant

CTASIT LLC, a social learning information platform company co-founded by a UNCG faculty member and doctoral student, is one of 30 statewide semi-finalists — and the only from the Triad — up for a NC IDEA grant.

CTASIT — which stands for Complex Task Assessment Solutions and Information Technology LLC — was founded in April 2012 by Eric Ford, the Forsyth Medical Center Distinguished Professor of Healthcare with a joint appointment in the Bryan School and the UNCG School of Nursing, and Dmytro Babik, a Bryan School doctoral student, in collaboration with two other partners.

CTASIT provides Mobius SLIP (Social Learning Information Platform) — a web-based application to promote student creativity, critical thinking and communication skills. Mobius SLIP has been used by about 3,000 students at a half-dozen universities including UNCG, University of Georgia, Ohio State and University of Calgary.

Mobius Social Learning Information Platform

Mobius SLIP is a modern, technology-aided incarnation of the Socratic Method. It promotes creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration by combining challenging creative problems with iterative, anonymous peer reviews, formative and summative peer and self-assessments of both problem solutions and reviews, and targeted instructor feedback. Students have to evaluate not only their own and their peers’ creations but also their own and their peers’ critiques. Instructor is enabled to give students quick and targeted help where it is most needed.

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