Mobius SLIP and End of Course Portfolio

Portfolios are gaining popularity in higher education as students try and demonstrate the things they have learned and compensate they have developed and the skills they can bring to a job site. At Mobius SLIP we are active partners in this movement.


Students are able to take everything they have developed every critique they have but in every bit of feedback they have been given and download it in one fell swoop and show it to employers and we have had several students be able to do this successfully. For instance, they will be in an interview and they asked about their writing skills. Using their Mobius SLIP portfolio, they can not only demonstrate their skills but also show what they have learned and how they have grown over the course of a their education.

It has been a very powerful tool that many employers have looked positively on. CTASIT strongly encourage you to take your learning portfolio with you when you are finished with Mobius SLIP.


For instructors, the portfolio provides an easy end-of-semester tool for generating a coursework sample. In addition, portfolios provides assurance of learning and a full example of what your class contained., the portfolio not only has the assignment but has the students work. CTASIT suggest going in and downloading a few student samples and include that in your end of course tools.

A few links and article that are worth checking out, Getting Started with Student Portfolios and TechCrunch article on Seelio.

Seelio is a student portfolio site that raised roughly $1 million and is now taking its platform directly to educators.

Have you put together your end of year portfolio?