For Educators


Mobius SLIP facilitates a learner-centered pedagogical approach and provides opportunities for engaging students in practical and creative problem solving and design thinking. It supports developing a range of skills and competencies, such as creating and innovating, communicating, analyzing, and evaluating various artifacts in a variety of digital media.

Unlike traditional assessment practices, such as timed multiple-choice tests, that suppress learners’ motivation, creative thinking and achievement by forcing them to play it safe and seek the “right” answer to ensure that teachers’ and examiners’ expectations are met, Mobius SLIP challenges students to try any creative ideas, present their solutions to peers, and learn from each other.

Mobius SLIP assembles the evidence of a learner’s personal creativity and critical thinking development journey from facing a complex open-ended problem to building and presenting a solution to evaluating solutions of peers in the form of an e-portfolio. By digitally capturing student’s original work, peer reviews given and received, as well as self-reflections and instructor feedback, Mobius SLIP offers learners a tool to document their individual skill and mastery progress. Students, teachers and potential employers can use e-portfolios for evaluation, guidance or employment decisions.

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